Friday, April 09, 2010

First steps with Gridworks (2)

I am back on the 'Genius matrix' project and I notice that the column name is a bit cryptic, I therefore provide a new simple name.

Even if that was not the goal of my data cleaning I am still curious on how to split the first column in multiple ones using the separator ':' as criteria.

I select 'add column based on this column' and I get the following screen:

Using the "Gridworks Expression Language" (GEL) I can create a new column where I got rid of the prefix "Affymetrix:CompositeSequence" (as you can see in the above pic):

if(value.startsWith ("Affymetrix:CompositeSequence"), value.substring(29), value)

And the result is:

I still haven't used the separator ':' with my rule but the result is really close to what I wanted... and there is always the option to roll back.

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