Friday, October 12, 2012

It seems all a matter of size

After the new iPhone 5 sporting a bigger screen and a thinner body*, comes the Samsung SIII mini and probably a new smaller iPad mini. Then I see the new Vaio Tap 20 that it is really a new kind of PC. Watching movies on a home-portable bigger screen, playing social games... but still having a full PC available for editing two documents at the same time by typing with a real old-style classic keyboard.

 New Vaio Tap 20 - source Sony

I don't really like the idea of 'touching' the screen of a laptop, which seems way too delicate and wobbly but I kind of like the idea of a bigger home-tablet. I am just wondering what happens when this big screen falls on the ground... because that is going to happen.

* I would have honestly gave that up for a better battery

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